Mail in Registration Form


Complete Registration Below (Payment Options at bottom of Page)

Registration is not complete until payment is received!
See payment options below (Check, Paypal, Ramp Pay)

*Teams paid for the full season by April 10th 2025 will receive double draw for starting position at all Qualifying events.

Pay By Check:

Full Season Payment Amount:

Checks Payable to:

Mail to:

$1580.00 ($250 per event + $80 membership)
$1480.00 if paid in full by April 10th.

Lakes Tournament Trail

Lakes Tournament Trail
3658 Kenyon Creek Ave. NW
Massillon, OH 44647

PayPal: (Single Event Payments available after April10th, 2025)
Note: PayPal charges a fee of 3.49% + $.49. PayPal prices are adjusted to cover this fee.
Early Registration Full Season: $1480 + $54.03(PayPal fee) = $1,534.03
Full Season: $1580 + $57.64(PayPal fee) = $1637.64
Single Event with Membership: $330 + $12.44(PayPal fee) = $342.44
Single Event: $250 + $9.55(PayPal fee) = $259.55


Lakes Tournament Trail PayPal Payment Options:

RAMP PAY: ($20 ramp pay fee per event)

Ramp Pay will be accepted up until 20 minutes prior to the start of each tournament. Ramp Pay teams will be assessed a $20 fee. Each teams first Ramp Pay of the season will also be accompanied by the $80 membership fee, as well as the $20 Ramp Pay fee. This brings the total for each teams first Ramp Pay to $350 and then $270 for each additional Ramp Pay.

1st Ramp Pay - $250  (Tournament) + $80 (Membership) + $20 Ramp Pay = $350

Additional Ramp Pay - $250 (Tournament) + 20 ( Ramp Pay Fee) = $270

Ramp Pays will not affect the payout of that tournament, additional funds from Ramp Pays will be added to the Championship Prize Fund. In the event that there is a large number of Ramp Pays, some additional funds may be added to the Final Qualifier as well.